The Beginning

I decided that it's time that started to do some serious blogging. I had, or rather, have, and account with myspace and it's just not doing it for me. The blogs are rarely read and I find (forgive me if I'm generalizing) that most of the people that are on there are either in high school, or college or recent graduates. Which is not a bad thing but I think that it's a good place to just stay in touch with old friends or to make new ones. However, I'm not interested in the whole internet dating thing, and it's kind of geared towards that.
Anyway, there it is. That is why I am here. I also think it's cool to have a place to write down your everyday thoughts and have them read by whoever happens to be cruising by. Especially because those people may not know me and so they have no presupposed ideas about who I am or what I am about. They can only go off of what I write. Plus, my husband has a blog and I really like it, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon.
I have this job right now where I seriously do nothing. I do have duties to do but they are so few and far between that I sit and surf the internet about 95% of the day. No joke. I know, most people would say, "well, you don't know how lucky you are, I wish I had a job like that." True, I suppose that it has it's perks. I do get a lot done at work that I otherwise would not have wanted to do at home. But, the hours go by so slow and I like to feel like I'm useful. When I do have things to do I enjoy them for the most part. My work is somewhat specialized and I get this slightly egotistical burst of pride for myself in knowing how to do something that to other people would sound like a foreign language. I suppose most jobs are like that, any job that requires training means that it's not something that anybody could just pick up and do right off the bat. But, I'm just going to let that feeling linger cause it makes me feel good.
Anyway, that's the first blog, I'm sure I'll get lots of comments on this one!
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