The Reality of the Stupid Real World

I am having a dilemma. It's not the worst dilemma to have, but it's still happening. As all of you masses of people know, I really dislike my job. When we are actually given work to do, I seriously cannot stand it. It makes me cringe everytime I hear mention of anything relating to this database that I am supposedly working with. 99% of the time I am doing nothing, but I also hate that. If I was going to do nothing I would rather be at home in my sweats watching Oprah or Dr. Phil. The only thing that has been my saving grace here has been two girls that have worked with me. Until now. One of the girls took a new job last week and left, the other is getting married next week and moving. So, that leaves me here alone. Ok, not alone, but practically. The other three people I can tolerate but it's definitely not the same.
Now, this job is actually a contract to hire job so I am not permanent yet. My manager has been talking with HR and the president of the company about making us remaining four permanent positions, but he says he does not know how many he will get. If he gets two people it is hands down going to the two suck-ups that sit behind me. They will do anything for this job, I swear it's like being a reality t.v show or something. However, if I was offered the job (which is a pretty large possibility) then I will not only get a slight raise in pay but I will get incredible benefits (which we currently do not have..) and, as I found out this morning, full-tuition reimbursement.
I want to go back and get my master's in counseling and I have the program picked out and everything. Money is really the only thing holding me back at this point. I know what I want to do, I just don't have the means to do it right now. If I took this job I would have to suffer through 2, maybe 3 three years of a job that I can't stand, but I will breeze through grad school for free.
Ok, here's the tricky part. I recently applied for a job that, in all descriptions, sounds like a dream job for where I am right now. When I applied, I thought for sure my resume would be thrown away and barely even looked at. I don't have the education for it or the experience (except some volunteer work that relates). However, I made it clear in my cover letter that I have a passion for that kind of work and apparantely they listened cause they called for an interview. The problem is, this job does not pay as well as my current job and the hours are a bit longer, and it would mean that I would have to pay for my own Grad school. BUT, I would be enjoying my job very much. I would also get benefits (which would lower my pay even more), and I would get 4 weeks paid vacation.
I have not been offered either job at this point, but the way things are going one will be offered before the other (if any at all.) I may not even get either job. I want to be prepared in my answer. Should I simply ask this dream job for more money if they offer it to me? Or, should I just refuse the job altogether and bank on getting this stupid job as a permanent position, allowing me to go to school for free?
This is a huge dilemma for me. I know, most of you are probably thinking "you haven't even been offered either job yet Jenny". Correct. But, I want to be fully prepared and know what to do if either of them happen. The interview is tomorrow. By the way, do you talk about salary in the interview or when they offer the job to you?? I don't know how any of that works.
Ok. Assignment. If you read this blog, please reply and give me your opinion. I can make my own decisions (Dalton would dispute that), but I would like to hear how other people would respond. If you think I'm stupid and worrying too much, say so. I don't care, I just want to know what people think.
Coming from a girl who used to hate her job, it's SO worth it to do something you LIKE to do. Go for it. All in all, the money isn't worth compromising your everyday "quality of life".
I started a home daycare, which was a big pay cut. But at the same time, my attitude was a 180 every day. Having good memories is completely worth it. Money comes and goes - and really, if it's not making it to savings anyway, you'll make it through. Go for what makes you happy!
Let me preface my point by agreeing with beefy: Doing something you care about feels so much better than doing something you hate. This is a true statement. Nevertheless, I come to my point. Three or four years of loathing your job, potentially having benefits, and a bigger salary, OR thirty years of huge student loan payments while working some other crappy job. Now Jenny, I have no idea if you have debt from PLU or how much you might get into if you went to grad school, but before you make any decision overturning full tuition reimbursement that doesn't involve the military, I ask you to at least think of me and the sick feeling in my stomach, the cold sweats, and the anxiety attacks I get when I think about life after my grace period. Seriously. Just make sure you think really hard and weigh the options. You're young. You have aspirations. You might be able to handle a boring, unfulfilling job for a few years. Just food for thought, from a concerned, and debt-ridden friend.
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