Tuesday, November 22, 2005

100 Screw Ups

I'm so sick of hearing people talk about databases, and inactive footprints, and ATMS, and checkrides and IT and practical test and blah blah blah. I'm just listening to people around me at work and it's driving me crazy! Everything is such a big deal around here, so dramatic---it's a stupid database, who cares!!!

Ok, now that the venting is done. I recently have skimmed through a book called "100 people who are screwing up America". This is a great book. He pretty much pinpoints the people in this nation who are making this nation harder and harder to live in. The whiners and complainers, the ultra-feminists, the U.S senator who pushes for civil rights acts, but happens to have been a former member of the Klu Klux Klan...go figure. Michael Moore, Ludacris, Barbara Walters, Ann Pele, are among a few of the more memorable ones. Actually one of my favorites was a woman who thinks that there should be more hurricanes named after black children. Come on...I already think affirmative action is taken way to far out of context and actually turns into a reverse racism act----but come on!! That's just ridiculous to me.

Not surprising at all is that the list is mostly compiled of mainstream liberals. It is impossible to deny, if you read this book, that the people listed in here are idiots and are in fact screwing up America royally. I'm not going to go into this much more cause, again, I'll get long winded. Just read the book, it's a fun read even if you don't agree with everybody on his list. However, I do hold a lot of respect for this man. He makes a point of saying that this is HIS list and that he doesn't expect everybody to agree with everybody that is on the list. However, I think this is a fantastic book and I agree with everybody on that list. I would add a few more to it though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I suppose some comfort could be taken in the fact that at least people in our/your society have the freedom to express their opinions, and that alone makes our society great. There is far more pride in that.

I see your point though.

BTW thanks for your kind comments on my Fat Loser blog, come and see my "normal" one if you like. It won't blow your mind, but it'll kill about 5 minutes a week!!

3:23 PM  
Blogger River Rant said...

You go Jen. Nice Blog.

8:11 PM  

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