Wednesday, December 07, 2005

For the Love of Cheese

I love to eat. I REALLY love to eat. It gives me some sort of satisfaction that nothing else can. But at the same time nothing else gives me as much grief. I'm not fat or chubby or chunky (whatever awful adjective out there given to overweight people), but I do have about 10 pounds that I would like to lose. But food is ruining it for me! Granted I had 19 I wanted to lose and I've already lost 9, so I'm not doing so bad. However, no matter how lovely the benefits of losing that weight are, it requires giving up a certain amount of food, and that literally pains me. I know pathetic. I am a salt addict, not so much a sweet tooth. I could eat an entire bag of cheetos EASILY in one sitting (I never have tried but I know I could), or potato chips, or just a cheese ball with some crackers is good enough for me. Pizza, popcorn (dalton can attest to that..), potato chips, top ramen, cheese---anything that has an excess of sodium I'm game for. Good thing it's almost lunch time..

Of course, I do have a reasonable amount of self-control, otherwise I would have a whole lot more to lose then 10 pounds. I just think about food all the time. But then I visualize myself without that excess weight and I get all excited. Of course I'm not going to look drastically different but I would certainly feel more comfortable. I love being naked (is that too personal?) but right now I'm not a big fan of it cause I'm all self-concious. I would love to put on my little swimsuit or just nothing at all and walk around the house not even thinking about it. Or if I'm thinking about it it's, "I am so freaking hot, where's Dalton?" Right now it's, "Where's Dalton? Cause if he's anywhere around then I need to sit up, suck in or just put something on." I thought that that would go away after being married, but I don't want him to get the short end of the deal---I will never be one of those women that just let themselves go after marriage or childbirth. That doesn't seem fair, to me or him.

I'll do it. I'll be super hot, just wait. If I could just kick this eating habit...


Blogger D.S. said...

For the record, I have never asked Jenny to lose weight, nor have I ever scorned her for looking anyway that she has. I am not the typical MTV dumbass guy who will only acknowledge the existence of sadly anorexic girls. I hate those guys and am ashamed to have the same anatomical composition as them. I'm an encouraging of her, but only because she wants to lose the weight, not because I expect it or demand it. I just want to make sure we're clear on that, because there are few labels that I detest more than the label that this blog entry could leave the unknowing reader to believe about me.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Thanks for that dalton.

9:34 AM  

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